Funeral Planning

In this section, we show you how funeral planning can help ensure that your wishes are followed, and how it is a responsible way to make things as simple as possible for loved ones at a time that is both practically and emotionally challenging.

Rather than being something to be avoided, organising a funeral in advance is increasingly seen as a logical, necessary and sensible process to help those you leave behind. With funerals increasingly being used to celebrate a person's life positively, the opportunities to personalise the ceremony have never been greater. Despite this, many people still have preconceptions about funerals and the limitations associated with them. Actually, there are fewer constraints on funeral planning in the UK than you'd imagine:

Pre-paid funerals

Planning your funeral and paying for it while you're alive gives you complete control over the arrangements, the convenience of advance payment, and reduced work for your loved ones. What's more, appointing professional funeral planners is a good way to ensure that your wishes are taken care of so those you leave behind can concentrate on celebrating your life.

Funeral planning after your death

Alternatively, you might prefer to leave the funeral arrangements to your relatives?

This however may mean that they end up paying more than if you had made arrangements beforehand. Payments after your death would most likely involve payments from the following

Planning a funeral that truly reflects your life

Planning your funeral gives you the opportunity to personalise the ceremony exactly as you want. From your choice of funeral directors to your favourite music, almost anything is possible. Here are some of the things a funeral planner will typically consider as they start their funeral checklist:

Whatever your special funeral wishes, arranging a funeral in advance and documenting your thoughts, wishes and plans in a secure place will make life much easier for your next of kin. There's no better time to start your funeral planning than now.

Funeral Planning Questions

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